Tag "typography"

Typographic Snowflakes

Calling all type nerds! More fun with the Silhouette Cameo cutter… this time making typography-inspired snowflakes, each in a unique pattern created with the letters in our names.

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Yep, our 5-year-old told his teacher not to use Comic Sans

Disclaimer: This is an excerpt from an actual email from Cooper’s teacher that came to my inbox yesterday. I almost fell over when I read it. As designers, we’re trying to raise design-minded kids and Cooper has always shown an affinity for typography from a very young age… but no one will believe us when we say we aren’t forcing this on him. He IS right about Comic Sans, though. Maybe he’ll start a movement to improve typography in preschool classrooms across America!

Ya can’t make this stuff up, folks.

Watch Cooper (at age 3!)  try to convince the internet that his dad loves Zapfino.


Cooper convinces the internet that his daddy loves Zapfino.

As seen on swissmiss